воскресенье, 13 ноября 2011 г.

eyelashes implants in BERRY eyelashes implants BERRY

eyelashes implants in BERRY

eyelashes implants

eyelashes implants BERRY

eyelashes implants in BERRY.Eyelash implants is a cosmetic surgery that used to only be for burn victims, or patients who have been through chemotherapy and lost all of their hair.
But now, because of the demand, many cosmetic doctors are offering this procedure as a way to.
Eyelash implants come from a graft taken out of the back of your neck.
The hairs are plucked, trimed and removed of excess dermis, epidermis, and fat.
Each hair is then added to the upper eyelid.
Around 5060 hairs are used to fill out the eyelash to the desired amount.
This is quite an extreme option and more asian women undergo this than caucasian

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